Program Overview
CIP Code: 12.0401
The Cosmetology Program prepares individuals to cut, trim, and style scalp, facial, and body hair; apply cosmetic preparations; perform manicures and pedicures; massage the head and extremities, and prepare for practice as licensed cosmetologists specialized or full-service salons. Includes instruction in hair cutting and styling, manicuring, pedicuring, facial treatments, shampooing, chemical applications, esthetics, shop management, sanitation and safety, customer service, and applicable professional and labor laws and regulations. Preferred students are Seniors who can be at the Academy for the full day. These Seniors and Juniors will be given first choice for the program, with Sophomores filling in any remaining openings. Students who are color blind may find this course challenging due to hair coloring.
- High Priority Occupation
- Non-Traditional Career - Male
- Eligible to: Mifflin County / Juniata County / Other
- SOAR Eligible
- Co-Op Eligible

Michelle Wagner
Enrollment Process
Instructor Biography
Michelle Wagner has been in the Cosmetology industry for 30 years. She has taught at Empire Beauty Schools for 5 years and this will be her 5th year at the Academy. Mrs. Wagner has worked in various salons. Mrs. Wagner competed and taught competition long hair wedding styles. Her favorite things to do in the salon are weddings, and spa treatments.
Milady Rise
Loreal Acess
various Cosmetology SP2’s.
Employer Partners
Cost Cutters, New Hue, Smart Styes, Tammy Wagner’s Hair Salon, Vibe Hair Salon and Spa.
Possible Careers
Cosmetologist, Nail Technicians, Esthetician and Master Educator
Required Items
10th grade education or equivalent, free from disease, 16 or older, and the hours required by the state for the career choice. 35 years or older or Veteran does not need the 10th grade documentations.
Dual Enrollment Opportunities
Career & Technical Student Organization
NTHS, Skills USA
Clinic hours Mondays and Thursdays 1-6 and 1 Saturday a month. Appointment only Services
Cosmetology Services and Prices